Student Financial Aid

为了有资格获得联邦学生援助基金,联邦教育部 要求学生在选修课程的同时取得令人满意的学业进步 a degree or certificate program. The College must also have a reasonable policy for monitoring academic progress, which applies to all terms of enrollment. Academic progress 是用累积平均绩点,成功学分百分比来衡量的吗 completed, and the time it takes to complete your program. Academic progress is checked at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer).

注意:该政策不包括PA州助学金的学术进步要求 maintaining PA State Grant (PHEAA) funding.

Academic Progress Standards

  1. Completion Rate/Pace
    Students must complete at least 66.67% of all credits attempted, which is calculated by dividing cumulative credits earned by cumulative credits attempted. Incomplete, 退学和不及格的成绩计入尝试,但不计入已完成/已获得的学分. Transfer credits count as attempted and earned credits.

    Special exception to pace calculation due to the COVID-19 Pandemic:
    学院将自动排除学生退修的任何课程 由于新冠肺炎,他们将从学期的进度计算中退出,并将继续 exclude them cumulatively in future academic progress evaluations. This only applies 到总统宣布国家紧急状态后与COVID-19相关的撤资: March 13, 2020.
  2. Maximum Time Frame (150% Rule)
    学生完成课程要求的最长时间是课程的150% published program length. For example, if the student is enrolled in a 60-credit program, 该学生最多只能获得该课程90个学分的经济资助. All 累积学分及所有转学学分均适用于学生 program of study are considered.
  3. Cumulative GPA Minimum Requirements
    学生必须至少获得最低累积平均成绩,如所示 the table below based upon the number of credits attempted.
Cumulative Credits Attempted Minimum Acceptable Cumulative GPA
1-23 1.51
24-35 1.75
36-47 1.83
48+ 2.00

Unique Impacts to Academic Progress

Developmental Courses/English as a Second Language (ESL) Courses
发展和ESL课程在你的进度计算中进行评估,包括 completion rate, maximum hours and cumulative grade point average. You may receive 联邦财政资助最多30个学时的发展性课程. There is no limit on ESL courses; however, all ESL courses will count towards attempted 积分和将使您更快地向最大时间框架状态前进 towards the end of your program.

Incomplete, Audited and Repeat Courses
Incomplete and audited courses do not count as a passing grade. These courses are counted in attempted credits. Once an Incomplete grade has been changed to a passing grade, academic progress can be recalculated upon written request. Audited courses do not earn academic credit and are not eligible for financial aid payment. As such, 他们不被评估在学生的学业进展令人满意的审查. Repeated coursework is also counted as attempted credits.

Change of Major and Second Degrees
一旦你完成了你的项目的所有要求,你就不能再收到 financial aid unless you enter a new degree program. You may apply for financial aid for the completion of two associate degree programs. All applicable courses in the 完成的课程将作为你第二学期150%学分的一部分 degree program.

Falling Below Financial Aid Academic Progress Standards

如果你低于三个学术进步标准中的任何一个,你将被通知 通过电子邮件发送到您的mcc学生电子邮件帐户,并在学业上取得满意的进展 section in Self-Service. 你将被置于警告或休学状态,无法获得经济资助.

  1. Warning Status
    如果你没有达到令人满意的学业进步标准,你将收到一笔经济资助 aid warning. Once you are in financial aid warning status, you may continue to receive 经济援助在下学期,但预计将达到最低标准 by the end of the next semester. Failure to meet the minimum standards after the warning term will result in financial aid suspension.
  2. Financial Aid Suspension for Continued Unsatisfactory Progress
    如果你的学业成绩不能达到最低要求,你的经济资助将被暂停 Progress requirements for one or both of the following reasons:
    • 您已被指定为警告状态、试用状态或处于监视状态 试用期结束,未达到警告状态要求者 or academic plan.
    • You have exceeded the maximum time frame limits for your degree.

Appealing Financial Aid for Unsatisfactory Academic Progress

如果你经历了影响你学业进步的特殊情况,你 may submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal. Extenuating circumstances include: personal serious illness or injury; the death, accident, or serious illness of an immediate family member or significant person in your life; other unique circumstance(s) beyond your control.

To appeal, you must complete the Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeal Form,提供可接受的支持文件,并完成概述的所有必要步骤 on the form. 

Things to consider when doing a SAP Appeal:
  • 提交上诉并不保证获得批准或有资格获得财务资助 aid.
  • Subsequent appeals of the same nature or for the same reason are not permitted.
  • 学生可以在课程中提交申诉的次数没有限制 他们在bt365体育备用网站的学习,提出了一项呼吁,为连续学期的穷人 academic progress will be considered very carefully. General practice is that three or more appeals are not granted.
  • 缺乏对退课政策或满足学业要求的认识 进步,以及没有为大学课程做好准备,都不会被接受为理由 for the purpose of an appeal.
  • 监控您的邮件:我们可能会在初步审查后要求您提供更多信息.
  1. 妨碍你取得令人满意的学业进步的情况 standards for the term.
  2. 你的纠正措施计划:解释你所做的改变 you to be academically successful moving forward.
  3. 描述你目前的教育目标和你成功实现的计划 these goals at Montco. If you are transferring in new academic credit, please explain how the transfer credit relates to your current educational objective(s).

Your appeal will not be reviewed unless all required items, including the SAP Appeal form AND the corresponding documentation, have been completed and submitted.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility

  1. Probation Status
    如果你的申请被批准,从数学上讲,你有可能满足学术要求 进度要求到下学期末,你将被放在财务上 援助缓刑状态,你的经济援助会恢复,你的学业也会 be measured again at the end of the next semester.
  2. Academic Plan Status
    如果你的申请被批准了,从数学上讲,你不可能满足学术要求 进度要求到下学期末,你就会被安排在学术上 计划好了,你的经济资助就会恢复,你的进步也会被监控 ensure you are meeting the conditions of the plan. During academic plan status, you:
    • Must follow the academic plan from your Academic Progress Appeal Form and
    • Maintain a minimum semester pace of 66.67% and
      If you’ve attempted: You must maintain a minimum semester GPA of at least:
      1-23 credits 1.51
      24-35 credits 1.75
      36-47 credits 1.83
      48 or more credits 2.0
    • 而且,如果你达到了无法在规定时间内完成课程的程度 在最短的时间内,你必须以C或更高的成绩完成所有剩余的课程.

    未能按照学业计划完成学业,不符合上述要求,将被取消 loss of federal financial funding.

  3. Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility without an Appeal Approval
    如果你没有达到令人满意的学业进步要求,并选择注册 在没有经济援助的情况下,我们会在学校的 end of that term of enrollment. At that time, if you meet the academic progress requirements, your eligibility for financial aid will be reinstated.