Earn credits from work and life experiences!

As a nontraditional student, you may be able to earn credits for knowledge that you've acquired outside of the college classroom.

Almost half of our students are over 25 and bring a wide variety of backgrounds and 课堂体验. Through 先前学习评估 (PLA) we can determine whether certain courses can be waived, saving you time and money. 我们也可以授予 credits for courses in which you can demonstrate your knowledge of the material.


  • 申请蒙哥,或为书院学生;
  • Review our list of programs and courses to determine if you have mastered any of the concepts through your prior learning or experience;
  • 提交 先前学习问卷, and we can help you identify what credits you may be eligible for;
  • Meet with an academic advisor to confirm prior learning credits and determine which 项目和/或课程是适合你的.

Montco has been engaged in prior learning assessment (advanced standing) since its founding and, most recently, as the TAACCCT 2 grant lead in development of CCFastTrack, the community college statewide platform for prior learning assessment, and open education resource (OER) entrepreneurial skills training course.

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Course-based transfer for the skilled trades

Because we recognize that not all learning takes place in a classroom, we include apprenticeships in 先前学习评估 and accelerated degree completion opportunities. 学徒 谁成功完成了 U.S. Department of Labor Registered 学徒hip Program can potentially earn credits toward a degree from Montco.
The course-based transfer credit applies equally to any student who:
  • Completes a Registered 学徒hip Program recognized by the United States Department 劳工处,学徒处和
  • Shows proof of competency/completion of the registered apprenticeship program via 熟练工人证或类似证书.


  • 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)
    你 have the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement in various undergraduate 主题领域通过任何24+ CLEP考试. Scores of 50 and higher receive credit which may be applicable toward your degree 或者证书课程. 蒙哥马利县社区学院 is an official CLEP testing center.
  • 大学先修课程(AP)
    如果你 跳级 (AP) 考试s 在高中时, you may be able to receive credit toward your degree or 证书项目. Credits are awarded to AP scores of 3 or higher.
  • DSST学分考试计划
    你 may be able use knowledge and experience acquired outside the classroom to qualify for college credit if you have taken any of the 30+ DSST考试 提供在各个学科领域. Exams are open to both military personnel and civilians. Minimum DSST scores of 400 (on most 考试s) will award credits which may be applicable 攻读学位或证书课程.
  • International Baccalaureate ® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP)
    你参加了吗 International Baccalaureate ® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) 在高中时? If so, you may be able to receive college credit. DP高电平 (HL) subject area 考试s, with scores ranging from 4–6, are accepted and may count 攻读学位或证书课程.


We participate in the following national evaluations:
  • 美国教育委员会(ACE)
  • 军事经验
  • 学生 Occupationally and Academically Ready (SOAR)
  • 行业认证


In Individualized 先前学习评估 (PLA) faculty members evaluate non-traditional learning experiences to see how they compare to the objectives of existing academic credit courses and help decide whether they can be considered for college credit. For 考试ple, if you have experience as a supervisor in an industrial manufacturing firm, we will ask you to demonstrate what you have learned about production problem-solving, cost-effectiveness, supervision and labor problems, and how that learning can be related 大学课程的目标. To be eligible for college credit, your prior 学习经验必须:
  • 相当于大学水平的学习.
  • Be verified through objective measurements. 你 must be able to demonstrate to qualified evaluators that you possess the appropriate skills and/or knowledge.
  • 理论和实践都要扎实. College credit will not be awarded for application of a manual skill or a narrowly prescribed routine or procedure; you must have a demonstrated knowledge of the subject and understand why you do what you do.
  • Have general applications outside of where you acquired the experience.


Depending on the subject, you may be able to receive college credit by taking a special 考试. This 考试 costs the same as one credit at the current Montco tuition rate. 你 still must complete at least 30 traditional credit hours at Montco to receive a degree. 联系顾问获取更多信息.


Certain Montco programs allow you to create a portfolio to demonstrate that your knowledge is equivalent to what you would have learned in a comparable college course. 书面 component of the portfolio offers a way for you to highlight personal experience and support the claim that your knowledge is equivalent to the course you're challenging.


*The College will continue to offer PLA credit for the ESOP 101 and ESOP 102 courses for any interested students who have completed the materials.