蒙哥马利县社区学院 is in the midst of an exciting and ongoing period 变化和成长. Established in 1964, the College moved from Conshohocken to 占地186英亩的蓝铃校区. 1996年,学院开设了波茨敦校区 在自治市的中心. The College services approximately 21,500 credit students annually and 11,250 non-credit students, 87 percent are county residents, 40 percent of students are full-time, 24 percent of students are minorities, and the average 年龄26岁.

In the spring of 2011, the firm of Spillman Farmer Architects was engaged to prepare a master plan for physical growth for both campuses with an approximate ten year time 地平线. This plan builds on the College’s previous facilities master plan (2002-2010) 及其配套产品更新(2005-2006). 2012-2022年总体规划设计完成 to advance the accomplishment of the College’s new strategic plan: “Beyond Access: 至2016年的战略计划.” While this plan specifically advances the plan’s strategic goal to “Create A Sense of Place to Support Learning,” it also facilitates accomplishment of the plan’s five other goals, including anchoring the plan’s primary goal of increasing 机会与学生成功.

From the start, and as with previous planning processes, the planning effort was designed 尽可能地包容. The President’s Cabinet, with additional representation from the facilities team, formed the Planning Steering Committee. 大学社区 at large, at both campuses, was engaged through two sets of open forums at the beginning 在规划过程和最后阶段. 此外,学院社区 responded to a detailed facilities/master plan questionnaire with the results integrated into much of the planning and Steering Team conversations.

In 2012, the 校董会 approved the College’s 设施总体规划 to 2022. The plan includes an ambitious renewal program for the nearly 50-year-old 蓝贝尔 Campus and to continue the expansion of our Pottstown校园. 该计划将 College to meet current and future enrollment demands and to support the College’s 动态学术课程.




As a full remake of the current Physical Education Building, this project will meet the current and future workforce needs of regional employers by supporting the expansion and modernization of key health sciences programs like nursing, dental hygiene, medical laboratory technology and medical assisting, and exercise management programs like 营养健康健身专业. 该项目还包括灵活的空间 to allow the College to develop new workforce programs in this critical industry cluster. The project also includes enhancements to recreational and athletics facilities to support the College’s goals of building student and community engagement. 这个项目 is a carry-over from the 2002-2010 master plan with a feasibility study for this project 2010年竣工.


A comprehensive backfill space plan must be in place to transition spaces formerly housing Health Sciences programs into general purpose classrooms or additional spaces 来支持不断增长的STEM项目. 在这个完整的科学中心里 is an opportunity to renovate the Theater and add to the backstage area for ADA compliance 改善支持设施. 这包括建造额外的座位 on a new balcony to increase theater capacity to 450 seats and the construction of a new quad entrance with a renovated lobby and restrooms. 此外,该计划还要求 for the construction of new parking lots north and east of the Science Center to serve 剧院或礼堂. The completed project will support expansion of STEM programming, expansion of theater academic programming, and expansion of the College’s Lively Arts 系列.


Remove the Quonset Hut on the opposite side of Cathcart Road and move operations into 是对现有设施大楼的扩建.


Replace the north end wall with glass to create an enticing retail opportunity for the Bookstore and other auxiliary services operations that will benefit from increased 可见性.


Entry between the Science Center and the Advanced Technology Center - remove the loading dock and make this major academic quadrangle entry point more pedestrian-friendly 并邀请.


Rework the walkways, and strategically place trees and meadow grasses. 打开视图 建筑入口之间的走廊.


Build new quadrangle and remove the trees that visually disconnect this building, 一旦完全翻新,从校园的其他地方.


Improve the athletic fields, support facilities and parking.


Add strategically located parking, improve campus entrances, and improve safety in the parking areas to include new vehicular access to the Children’s Center.


Build a campus wide trail that also ties in to the Whitpain Township trail system.




Renovate the 100 level to make it more attractive and functional including a café/retail store; additional classroom; better lounge space; space designed to support integrated enrollment services, additional student club space, new finishes, etc.




Develop the AAA building into a state-of-the-art instructional facility to support University Center partners and College-based workforce development programs.

  • 制定更新的延期维修计划
  • New Walkway Along College Drive and Just South of South Hall
  • 通往大学中心的新步行发展
  • Partner on New Arrival Development at Corner of College Drive and Hanover Street
  • 制定停车分析和寻路计划